Legal terms and handling of personal data
Bulten AB (publ)
Box 9148
SE-400 93 Gothenburg, Sweden
Phone +46 (0)31-734 59 00![Звонок: +46 (0)31-734 59 00]()
Fax +46 (0)31-734 59 09![Звонок: +46 (0)31-734 59 09]()
Reg. no.: 556668-2141
VAT registration no.: SE556668214101
This website (‘the Website’) and the material on it are provided by Bulten AB (publ) (“Bulten”, “we”) as a service to customers and other interested parties, and should be used for information purposes only. Individual copies of material on the Website may be downloaded under the terms described below. By downloading material from or using the Website, you are accepting the terms set out below. If you do not accept the terms, you may not use the Website or download material from it.
Bulten reserves the right to 1) change these terms, 2) display or remove information and 3) close down the Website at any point without prior notice.
Intellectual property rights and use of the Website.
All rights that protect the Website and the material supplied on the Website, including but not restricted to registered and unregistered brands, copyright, names and design and graphics, are owned by Bulten, its subsidiaries or related companies.
The material on the Website along with Bulten’s brands, names and other rights may only be used in accordance with what is explicitly stated in these terms or after receiving permission in writing from Bulten. Unauthorized use or distribution of the content of the Website may constitute a breach of Bulten’s intellectual property rights and could be subject to legal action.
By sending or posting information or material on the Website, you give Bulten the right to use such information or material freely, which also includes the right for Bulten to pass on and change the information or material freely.
Discharge from liability
The Website and the information on it is supplied as it is, without any explicit or implied pledges or guarantees. If Bulten provides a link to a third party website, the link is solely for the convenience of the user and Bulten shall not be held responsible for the content of any third party website.
Handling personal data
Bulten AB, address Box 9148, phone +46 31-734 59 00
, is responsible Data Controller for processing your personal data. Bulten protects your personal integrity and strives to always protect your personal data in the best possible way.
What kind of information do we collect?
In order for us to answer a question or fulfill a request from you, you must sometimes provide personal information, such as name, address, email address and telephone number. That information is used to contact you.
Personal- and contact information such as name, e-mail address, phone number and company name.
Device information such as ip address, language settings, and browser settings
Why do we need your information?
The main purpose of the personal data processing that Bulten executes is to answer one or more questions or to respond to a request from you.
Purpose of the processing
In order to provide you with the service and assistance you may need regarding our services
Lawful basis for processing (why the processing is necessary)
To fulfil contracts and commitments made to you
Who might we share your personal data with?
Bulten does not sell your personal data to anyone, and of course we do not share your personal data with anyone. Bulten might, depending on the request, share your personal data with other companies within the Bulten Group.
Where do we process your personal information?
Bulten generally handles your personal data within the EU/EEA. In cases where personal data are processed outside the EU/EEA, we ensure that our suppliers and partners respect the same level of security and protection as applied in the EU/EEA.
How long do we store your personal data?
Personal data is stored by Bulten during the time it takes for Bulten to contact you again.
Personal data may be transferred to companies within the Bulten Group. Other companies within the Bulten Group may individually be personally responsible in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to each service or function and according to national law applicable to such company.
Your rights
Irrespective of the information we have stored about you, you will always have control over your own data. That is why according to the relevant data protection legislation you have access to the following rights.
Right of access. You can request a copy of the personal data registered with us and verify the data we have about you.
- Right to rectification. You are entitled to have inaccurate or incomplete data about you rectified.
- Right to be forgotten. You have the right to request that your personal data be deleted if the data is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected. However, if the data is being stored because of a legal obligation to store certain information, you are not entitled to request that such information is deleted
- Right to data portability. If our right to process your personal data is based on consent from you, or in order to fulfil a contract with you, you are entitled to request a copy of such data in a machine-readable format in order to reuse it with another company. This primarily applies to data that you yourself have given us. In other words, only certain data is covered by the right to data portability
- Right to object. You always have the right to request not to receive direct marketing, and to object to such processing of personal data based on a balancing of interests (legitimate interest)
- In cases where we use a legitimate interest/balancing of interests as a lawful basis for a purpose, you have the opportunity to object to the processing. In order to continue processing your personal data following such an objection, we need to be able to show a compelling legitimate reason for the processing in question, which overrides your interests, rights or freedoms
- If you object to direct marketing, we will cease processing your personal data for that purpose
- Right to restriction of processing. You have the right to restrict processing of your personal data if, for example, you consider it to be inaccurate.
Exercising your rights does not cost anything. However, if a request is clearly unfounded or unreasonable, we will charge a fee to cover any administrative expenses associated with the request. We may also turn down a request that is unfounded or unreasonable.
Contact information to Bulten
Do you have questions regarding our handling of your personal data or if you want to use any of your rights related to the handling of personal data? Then you are welcome to contact us at Bulten as per the information below.
If you contact us at, your case is in safe hands and we will be returning to you shortly.
Personal Data Coordinator Contact Information:
Personal Data Coordinator is Bulten AB (id no 555568-2141), with visiting address August Barks Gata 6A, 421 32 Västra Frölunda and postal address Box 9148, 400 93 Gothenburg, Tel: +46 31-734 59 00
, E-mail:, Web :
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